
Why We Became North 40

There was not a big flag waving in our faces or an obvious pivotal moment or even the aha everyone refers to these days. North 40 began as a friendship nearly 20 years ago that continues to grow and unfold before our eyes (the same eyes that used to have 20/20 vision but now need 1.5x readers). With each passing birthday there has proven to be more and more to discover, own up to and learn about on this side of North 40.

We thought since we were already talking about life’s happenings, why not share the songs we’ve written about it all. We unknowingly at the time began documenting our experiences in a musical journal years ago. All the beauty, the tragedy, the grit, the truth and comical camaraderie about growing up continue to be captured and gathered like little souvenirs along our way. We fondly remember where each of them came from, who gave them to us and we also know that just by waking up and forging through any given day is a beautiful opportunity to collect more!

We hold each smile, tear and laugh line as a keepsake in our hearts and it is this kind of treasure that we wish to share and gift forward to all citizens of North 40 and beyond. The owning and the acceptance of who we used to be, being grateful for that young person inside of us who helped us transform into who we are today and honoring the willingness to evolve into who we are to become.

Someone once asked us why we started the North 40 project and our answer to that was simple. We started it because we have something to say! We became North 40 because we truly believe that it’s important to follow your dreams and we believe that the best way to promote that is to lead with our feet! Is our “success” against the odds? Perhaps. But is it worth the risk? Absolutely! Because at the end of the day we get to proclaim, “we did it, we tried and we gave it our best shot, we were so brave”!

We became North 40 for ALL of you who have ever been told, “you’re not good enough” or “you’re crazy to chase that dream” or “you’re too old to start something new”. We say “GO FOR IT”! Life begins at North 40!

Love, P & H
